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5 Steps To Get Clients When You’re Starting Your Coaching Business

Discover 5 steps to get clients when you’re starting your coaching or creative business, without costing you a dime

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Jennifer Lynn: (00:00)
Hey guys, it's Jenn with that Jennifer Lynn Consulting here. So I help wedding professionals get booked out, booked solid with their dream clients. And today, I want to talk to you about five ways to get clients when you're starting out your wedding business. Now, this applies to not just people that are starting out their business, but especially for those that are just getting started in their business. And the big overarching key here is your network, your relationships.

Jennifer Lynn: (00:33)
And so if you're just getting started, you may not have a lot of contacts in the industry. You may not know a lot of people, and there are obviously ways that we can reach out to them to get the word out and stand out. But for those that are directly in your network, that's where we want to start. So today I want to ask you to pull out a pad and pen or pencil and write this down. Very, very simple. It's only going to take you two minutes to do this, but it's so important and it's so easy and you're going to love it because it's free. It doesn't cost anything except a little bit of your time.

Jennifer Lynn: (01:14)
So number one, make a list of all the people that you know. I don't care if it's your mother's best friends, your coworker's child. Just make a list of everybody that you know. And the next step is who might they know? Just take a second and look over that list. Who might they know? I then want you to circle the names of people who may know someone who's engaged. So think about your ideal client. If you don't know your ideal client like the back of your hand, we're not going to get into that because that's a longer conversation that I work on with my clients.

Jennifer Lynn: (02:00)
But just if you have a general idea of who your ideal or dream client is, think about that person and circle the names of the people that might fit that category. So, for example, if your mother's friend has a child who's around the age where she's possibly getting engaged or maybe getting engaged in the next few years, maybe someone has gotten divorced several years prior and maybe potentially getting remarried, anything like that, we want you to circle the names of those people that are possibly getting engaged or are already engaged.

Jennifer Lynn: (02:56)
Number four, email the people know about your services. Simple, simple email. "Hey, it's Jenn. I hope you're doing well. I wanted to let you know I'm working on this in my business and these are the services that we're providing. I'm so excited to share this with you and I appreciate how wonderful and gracious my family and friends are in sharing this information so that people that can benefit from my services know that I'm here, and so thank you so much in advance for taking the time to share this with your family and friends."

Jennifer Lynn: (03:34)
Link to your blog because they're likely going to be curious to hear what's going on with you, what you're working on, even if they're not in the market for your services, though the important thing is that we're going to get those people to your website to be retargeted. So basically what that means is that there's a little tag that goes onto the website. You're not going to get their name or email address or any of that specific information, but Google is tracking that.

Jennifer Lynn: (04:02)
And what we're going to do later is to retarget those people that are visiting your website because they're obviously interested in something that you're offering. They're curious, they're reading your blog. You've gotten these people to go to your blog to learn a little bit more about you, and we're going to retarget them. So again, that's at a later stage of the game, but you can start tracking that information now by just getting them back to your blog to learn more information about you.

Jennifer Lynn: (04:37)
And from the blog, we want to make sure that there's a call to action to get them to subscribe to your ... and don't call it a newsletter, please don't call it a newsletter, because nobody signs up for a newsletter, like, "Oh yeah, I want to sign up for three newsletters today." No, they want to know what they're getting out of it. So make sure that you're offering something for free, some information, some tips, and tricks, something that'll help them.

Jennifer Lynn: (05:03)
So you want to get them to sign up for your newsletter and we're going to not only have that information to retarget them, but we're also going to be sending out emails to those people that sign up to keep you top of mind. So if they're getting married soon, you're top of mind. If they're not getting married soon, but they're engaged, you're top of mind. Who do you think they're going to think of when it's time to look for somebody with your specialty, right?

Jennifer Lynn: (05:33)
So easy and so simple and free. I mean, hello. You don't even have to spend a ton of time on social media or a lot of money on advertising if you're just getting started. But even if you're not just getting started, this is really important because people may not know exactly what it is that you do and usually your family and friends are first ones to look out for you and be curious in what it is that you're doing so they can share it with their friends and family.

Jennifer Lynn: (06:01)
So we want to keep you top of mind. Simple, simple. Make this list. I'm telling you, it's worth the five minutes it's going to take you to do this, 5 to 10 minutes. But I hope that this was helpful. And if you are looking for additional help, I invite you to head over to Click on the work with me tab and you can set up a free consultation where we'll go through what you've been doing, what's working, what's not working, and then see if I can be of further support to you. So I hope again that you found this helpful. If you have any questions, please leave them below and I will talk with you all again next week. Talk soon.

So now you know 5 Steps To Get Clients When You’re Starting Your Wedding Business. Grab your free download to learn 4 Quick Tweaks You Can Make Today On Your Coaching Website To Double Your Number Of Inquiries