What Wedding Professionals Can Do To Get More Clients During Covid

What Wedding Professionals Can Do To Get More Clients During Covid

Know it’s not just you that’s feeling like this. You’re not alone!

Keep reading to learn how you can keep your business moving forward... and get more clients, even now.

1) Put some muscle in your marketing

With the extra time you’re likely to have, use it to study up on marketing, pricing strategies and sales skills that will serve you for the rest of your career. And ultimately book more weddings!

  • Set up some time to interview your Angel Clients™ so you can learn as much as you possibly can about them and what’s important to them. 

  • Use the information you’ve gathered to try out those Facebook ads you’ve been putting off. 

  • Work on your content marketing and social media posts. If you batch create them, think how much time you could save later when you really don’t have time to be doing it?

  • Don’t feel bad about taking the time to do this, because it will pay off in spades for the rest of the year. 

  • And remember, 80% of your business comes from 20% of your clients. 

  • If you spend more time doing the things that bring in more of those 20% clients, you’ll hit your goals, make more money, and feel more fulfilled and happy. 

  • Imagine what effect that could have on your emotional and physical state, let alone the impact it could have on your relationships with your family and friends.

    2) Partner with other coaches or indirect competitors, like other businesses outside the industry who serve the same clients that you do. 

    They will keep you top of mind. And then they’re likely to want to return the favor.

  • It may sound strange, but this is the way things work. Studies on human behavior prove it.  

  • Ask for referrals and offer them up without expecting anything in return. Kindness and thoughtfulness mean more than you think in business.


2) Partner with other vendors or indirect competitors, like other businesses outside the wedding industry who serve the same clients that you do. 

For example, if you’re a confidence coach, reach out to business coaches who may be working on other projects and may need your help. Brainstorm together on projects that they have during this off-season that keep them busy and booked. This is the KEY time to build relationships and these mutual partnerships can be incredible referral sources.

  • Build a strong relationship with the key person you’ve been trying so long to get in with. 

    • Gift them with something they value. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture, but even something very small will keep you top of mind. And then they’re likely to want to return the favor. It may sound strange, but this is the way things work. Studies on human behavior prove it.  

    • Ask for referrals and offer them up without expecting anything in return. Kindness and thoughtfulness mean more than you think in business.

3) Serve your clients outside or after their program or event to get more clients

Does she or he work for a corporation? Are they small business owners, etc. who could use your products or services, etc? 

  • If you don’t already know from your conversations with your clients, look them up on social media to find out what else they're up to.

  • Is her sister having a baby shower who might need some of your help?

  • We often think that a coaching program is a once and done event. The truth though, is that when you build long-term working relationships with your clients, you’ll find lots of other opportunities to continue working with them. 

4) Give your clients a reason to refer their friends and family to you, so you can book more clients

Create a referral bonus for clients who likely have things going on outside of your work together. 

  • We already know you’re creative in your craft. Let’s get creative here too! 

  • Do they have a friend who’s also in need of your help? You could offer them a “bonus” if they sign a contract with you during Covid.

5) Invest in yourself the same way you’d invest in an important relationship.

Is there a class you’ve been dying to take to grow your skills? Whether it’s in your craft or your business skills, this is the time to take it. But plan for it. 

  • Create a calendar for the next 12 months. 

  • Layout your busiest times of the year with client bookings. Budget your time. 

  • Learn about yourself and what makes you truly unique in the coaching industry. This is what will differentiate you in a sea of sameness.


Jennifer Lynn is the founder and CEO of Jennifer Lynn Consulting®, a business academy helping coaches and creatives grow their brand so they can live the life of freedom and impact they want while making a consistent flow of cash. In The Booked Out Business Mastery Formula, she helps clients discover their Angel Clients®, develop a sales and marketing system that brings in high-end clients that they love working with and get booked solid.

While born highly sensitive, it hasn’t stopped from success. She has over 15 years of sales and marketing experience in large corporations and her own mentorship business. It is her unique approach to marketing and sales approach that has won her national awards.

6) Create your own passion project

What would you love to do if you weren’t so hard strapped for time in the busy wedding or engagement season? 

  • Create a styled shoot for your personal brand. You'll also be able to use those images throughout the rest of the year.

Now that you know what wedding pros can do to get more clients in the off-season, go book more coaching clients. Click the link below to schedule your complimentary Booked Out With Clients call.