The Sneaky Way to Book More Wedding Clients With Confidence

The Sneaky Way to Book More Clients With Confidence

So you want to learn the sneaky way to book more clients with confidence. Read on to learn my best simple tips to make this happen, without feeling sales-y or pushy.


How sold are you on how AMAZING your service is?

You have to sell yourself on yourself!

Make a list of all of the features, benefits and advantages of your services.

Literally grab a pen and paper and write what you offer.

Draw a line. In that next space, what are the advantages?

Then benefits.

For example, if you offer makeup services (that’s your feature...everyone does that).

The advantages of your services might be that you’ll look and feel beautiful for the most important day of your life.

The benefit is that your significant other will think “wow this the most amazingly stunning woman I’ve ever seen and I’m so lucky to have her...and all my friends must be sooo jealous. My family must be so happy and impressed that I’ve landed this smart beauty for life.”

 Now, make copies of this. Hang it in your bathroom (where you brush your teeth, so you see it every day). internalize this. You helped them make this happen! Whenever you start to hear those nasty voices in your mind, remember that isn’t really yours. By the this list often and whenever you start questioning yourself. 


How to Use Reviews and Testimonials to Boost Bookings

When you get testimonials in writing, add them to a Google Docs file. This way you’ll have them saved forever. Print them and put them in a place that you look often… read them whenever you’re not feeling confident. If they’re not in writing,  as soon as you hear them, add them to your journal. Seriously, spend $1-10 to invest in your confidence that will pay off hundreds of times over.

Make a list in your journal of compliments. Not only will they help you feel more confident, but you can use it for your marketing copy, sales conversations and more that will lead to more bookings and happy brides! This is what will make the difference. If they don’t feel your confidence in what you have to offer, they won’t feel confident hiring you.

Sales Tips For Reluctant Salespeople who own a service based business

Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. List 10 lines.

Write this: Salespeople are…

Then, close your eyes and think back to the worst, negative experience you had with a salesperson.

What happened? Details! Write them all out.

Now, take another piece of paper. Think of a time you bought something you LOVED. What did you love about it? What made that experience so good for you? Did you feel special? Did they act like they really cared about you and your preferences? Was it high, medium or low priced? Did anyone else that you care about have an impact on whether you bought it or not? What was it that convinced you (and anyone else) it was worth it? Write it all out.

Would you like to offer something similar to your clients? How good would you feel about it now?

Your job isn’t to sell them on your services. Your job is first to find out what needs and problems they have and then ask questions that lead them to a solution. If that solution is you, great! If it’s not, give them some other resources or refer them to someone else. In turn, the other wedding vendor you’ve referred to will likely return the favor … and you can all feel good about it. 

How to explain your value

Why do you need this?” “Why do you think this is how you’re going to get there?” Why do you want this? Don’t be scared to question their perceived needs. 

Do YOU know your value? What makes you different from all the other coaches out there? Are you comfortable explaining this? We need you 100% confident in selling AKA explaining your value not only in person, but on your website, social media and all of your marketing materials.

If you’re not sure how to explain your value to your ideal client, this is something you need to figure out.

Also, a great book that might help: Daniel Pink To Sell Is Human.


Common mistakes coaches, creatives and service-based business owners make on social media

Others might tell you social media is everything...Nope! 

The fastest way to to learn how to sell more services in general is simple:

Start by going to all the local indirect competitors who have services/products for your same clientele. Literally, go in and introduce yourself in person with a smile and business card/brochure and tell them what you do and why they should refer you. If you can’t meet in person, schedule a call or virtual coffee chat.

Getting clients in ANY town is about relationships, and as uncomfortable as it may seem at first, they can become your friends that you enjoy going to see. And the more they see you, the more they think to refer to you. Make sure to bring visual proof. Before and after case studies, testimonials, etc.

It’s all about the sales process for service professionals: expressing your value and passion requires trust, likeability, and proof. Your sales conversation/meeting needs to include:

  • rapport/relationship

  • asking the right questions

  • features

  • advantages

  • benefits of you and your services/products

  • addressing objections or concerns with well thought out responses

  • asking for the booking.

  • follow up

Stories about former bridal clients or yourself are the perfect way to demonstrate your passion and value as a service based business professional. Make a list of the most memorable, significant stories you can (using emotions like this is how I felt) and share them in every meeting.

Fun fact:  if a waiter repeats the order back to a table before he/she puts it into the kitchen—using the exact words the customer used—the waiter gets an average of 20% higher tips.

In other words, use the words and phrases your bride or engaged couple uses to attract them to work with you.

Now you know the sneaky way to book more weddings with confidence.  

These tips will all work, but not until you learn how to get over your fear of selling as a service based business professional...


Jennifer Lynn is the founder and CEO of Jennifer Lynn Consulting®, a business academy helping service based business professionals grow their brand so they can live the creative life they want while making a consistent flow of cash. In The 10K+ High-Ticket Method: , she helps clients discover their Angel Clients®, develop a sales and marketing system that brings in high-end clients that they love working with and get booked solid to hone their creativity and make more money!

While born highly sensitive, it hasn’t stopped from success. She has over 15 years of sales and marketing experience in large corporations and her own consulting and wedding business. It is her unique approach to brand building and sales approach that has won her national awards.

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